Sunday, February 1, 2009

Anish I read your blog about Mahatama Gandhi and Luck By Chance. I agree with you that we always forget our History or I would say we never get time to look into history and recall some people who gave us freedom. Not sure if its human nature or we are still scared of our school history books. I dont even remember that 30th jan was Gandhiji's death anniversary :(.

About Luck by chance, even i heard its a good movie and I want to watch it. But lets see when will i go :))))

Now to other 2 musketeers.. kahan ho tum log... you people are supposed to comment...
Awaiting your replies...
-- Manjeet

1 comment:

Char Musketeers said...

Very True budyy, but e can atleast say we stil do have some memories intact.. i only do wish is that or School History book continue to teach all this else...All this would be history :)